A Medieval Christmas Carol
written by Ann Gauger, so not medieval, even though it sounds that way!
Medieval Christmas Carol Angels sing on Christmas morn When Christ our Savior comes to be born. The angels bow in awe before Him Who comes to take away our sins. And Mary His mother ponders it all To see David’s heir born in a stall. She knows her Son has a high destiny, But what that might mean she has yet to see. The Babe so tender in His mother’s arms Rests peacefully now, safe from all harms. His Father stands in guard over Him Who comes to take away our sins. Sweet Mary rejoice at your Son’s birth The Lord of all come down to earth. For all is made new by your assent, Creation renews its great Amen. Oh Living Splendor of God Most High, How is it that You come to die? Tis love outpoured upon the earth That brings our Savior to His birth. And we for our part do give thanks Along with the angels’ heavenly ranks. The Immortal Wise God asleep on the hay To bring salvation to us today.