Inn thee we ours of thee knight, eye was knot quite settled and maid sum tee. Aye side and sot two stair whist fully threw thee window pain.

Won once too think such thymes mite pass moor sloe lee than their known two. Ore sum wood think sew any weigh. Wood ewe knot?

about 69%

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What eye wants one

(butt sum how lost)

did flea aweigh

wear aye whist knot

It tor aweigh

a peace of hart

eye wood knot spare

ore with all part

Aye comb thee sans

four memories passed

an flex of hopes

witch wood knot last

What lyes in store

won can knot say

butt fines it out

as woks thee rout

of life's grate weigh

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Joel, i find it hard to read with so many homonyms included. To my ear some of what you wrote sounded like Shakespeare. True?

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