This is too depressing. I have no answers, but will do my best to help when and wherever I can.

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We should talk. When is a good time?

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Ann, I saw you reference this in a notes thread with Scoot and finally had a moment to take a peek. Im fascinated by the layers upon layers of references here. Cassandra and Ragnarok, of course. But also, the dreams of Joseph and the prophecy of reprieve. I feel like there were even several others I can’t remember now. The background understanding of that symbolic language and the references aren’t essential to the story, but they add so much depth and “meat” to it. A difficult topic, for sure, but an excellently-crafted story as story.

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I too am following on the heels of your chat with Scoot. Keep writing! I’ll have to revisit this when I’m a little less sleep deprived, but to say this is moving is an understatement.

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